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Southeastern Grappling Association offers a wide range of attractive marketing solutions for your business. As a sponsor of our events, you will recieve measurable exposure through our many social media outlets and in-person events. Started in 2019, our presence has shown continous growth that is guaranteed to compound as time goes on. We average content/video views in the thousands as well as an ever-increasing participation rate at all of our events. On top of participation and social media impressions, we provide thousands of pictures from each event available to our competitors that include even more brand exposure for our partners. Your sponsorship contribution will aid in securing venues, awards and prize money payouts to our competitors. With every venue booked, event executed and sponsor contribution our presence will continue to grow exponentially which, in turn, will have a positive impact on your business's overall reach and exposure. We look forward to working with you and your business and hope to hear from you soon!

Sponsorship Tiers

Tier one

Cash Prize Sponsors

Each of our events offer cash payouts to certain 1st place winners. In addition to the payouts, individuals receive a large, oversized foam check with the amount won, the division title and logo placements.

What Your Business will receive

  • Four weeks of sponsorship benefits that includes one social media post per week on both Facebook and Instagram.

  • Logo placement on the oversized check the competitor receives.

  • Logo placement on our ‘Sponsors’ vinyl banner placed right next to the podiums.

  • Logo, website address and social media link(s) inclusion in our monthly outgoing mailing list email.

Cost: $125

Sponsorships available: 10 (per event)


Mat Sponsors- Per Event

Each of our events have various mats set up for competitors to compete on. In front of each mat is a score table with a 42’’ TV facing towards it. The backside of the TV will bear an oversized foam board with your business logo and QR code leading to your website or social media accounts. This is excellent for visibility as the your logo will be directly facing all of those in attendance.

What Your Business will Receive

  • Four weeks of sponsorship benefits that includes one social media post per week on both Facebook and Instagram.

  • Logo placement on the oversized foam board facing the crowd at one of our mat locations.

  • Logo placement on our ‘Sponsors’ vinyl banner placed right next to the podiums.

  • Logo, website address and social media link(s) inclusion in our monthly outgoing mailing list email.

Cost: $150

Sponsorships available: tbd


Tier two

Cash Prize Sponsors- Per Event

Similar to our Tier 1 Cash Prize Sponsor package but with more prominent logo placements and locations plus free vendor space at our event.

What Your Business will Receive

  • Four weeks of sponsorship benefits that includes one social media post per week on both Facebook and Instagram.

  • Logo placement on the oversized check the competitor receives.

  • Prominent logo placement on our ‘Sponsors’ vinyl banner placed right next to the podiums.

  • Logo placement on our website footer that is visible on all pages of our website.

  • Logo, website address and social media link(s) inclusion in four outgoing mailing list emails.

  • FREE vendor space at the upcoming event.

Cost: $250

Sponsorships available: 10 (per event)


Tier three

General sponsorship- 6 Months

What Your Business will Receive

  • Six months of sponsorship benefits that includes four social media post per month on both Facebook and Instagram.

  • Logo placement on all ‘Referee’ polo uniform shirts within the 12 month timeframe.

  • Logo placement or personal ad embedded within all Live Stream and/or video uploads within the six month timeframe.

  • Logo placement on the oversized check the competitor receives.

  • Prominent logo placement on our ‘Sponsors’ vinyl banner placed right next to the podiums.

  • Logo placement on our website footer that is visible on all pages of our website.

  • Logo, website address and social media link(s) inclusion in six months of outgoing mailing list emails.

  • Prominent logo placement on all event t-shirts (when applicable) within the six month timeframe.

  • FREE vendor space at all events within the six month timeframe.

Cost: $500

Sponsorships available: TBD



General sponsorship- 12 Months

What Your Business will Receive

  • Twelve months of sponsorship benefits that includes four social media post per month on both Facebook and Instagram.

  • Logo placement or ad embedded within all Live Stream and/or video uploads within the 12 month timeframe.

  • Logo placement on all ‘Referee’ polo uniform shirts within the 12 month timeframe.

  • Largest, prominent logo placement on our ‘Sponsors’ vinyl banner placed right next to the podiums.

  • Logo placement on our website footer that is visible on all pages of our website.

  • Logo, website address and social media link(s) inclusion in 12 months of outgoing mailing list emails.

  • Largest, prominent logo placement on all event t-shirts (when applicable) within the twelve month timeframe.

  • Inclusion in all ‘Sponsored’ social media marketing posts we use throughout the 12 month period.

  • FREE vendor space at all events within the 12 month timeframe.

Cost: $1000

Sponsorships available: TBD




Contact information



Social media:

      Instagram @sega_bjj



Thank you for your time and consideration!

Vendor Space

Per Event- $100

- Table and space allocation in high traffic area.

- Multiple Social Media recognition posts leading up to and throughout the event.

-Logo placements on website.


Contact us today at or by phone at

843-460-5496 to discuss the sponsorship opportunities listed or to develop a custom package for your business needs!

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